Mystery Beer Night: Midnight Sun Brewing
Feb 12, 2010
Free Admission
All Day Event
It's never a bad idea to end the week at City Beer Store, especially if it is SF Beer Week.
It was the debut of Midnight Sun Brewing, out of Anchorage Alaska's beers to be distributed down our way. We only tried 2 of their beers and one from Cascade because we did find out of a local beer bar that had Pliny the Younger on 'secret' tap for those in the know. I won't divulge the info on the place as Pliny is already gone and I want to keep their secret for doing something so awesome. Considering we went to 2 different beer events just for Pliny the Younger and Dave didn't get any, we had to go to this place.
We tried in order: Cohoho IPA, Panty Peeler and Cascade's Sang Noir.
Cohoho IPA in an imperial IPA made by Midnight Sun. It is made with brown sugar, honey and juniper berries. 8% abv. It poured a dark mahogony. It smelled of light hops, grass, citrus, and pine. It tasted bitter upfront with a strong grapefruit back note and a watery finish. It was just ok in my books for imperial ipa's.
Panty Peeler is a Tripel by Midnight Sun and 8.5%. It is made with bitter orange peel, coriander and belgian yeast. Kudos on the name, of course. It poured a vintage orangish brown. It had honey, coriander spice, banana, clove and belgian yeast on the nose. It tasted of spice, honey, ripe bananas some apples and belgiany. It is very fruity and pleasant.
Sang Noir by Cascade Brewing is a barrel aged sour brewed with cherries and 8% abv. It poured a pitch red dark brown with a hint of black. It smelled of cherries, Brett and sweet malts. It tasted sweet and sour with cherry goodness, malt and oak notes. It was my favorite of the bunch, but I am a fan of Cascade and any sours, so I'm partial.
After these 3 beers, it was getting a bit crowded and we wanted to make it in time for the Younger, so we bought 2 bottles of Midnight Sun's Treat beer, which is an imperial chocolate pumpkin porter and 7.8%. It is brewed with pumpkin, cocoa nibs, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. I will let you know how that one tastes.
Oh and that bar did have Pliny the Younger on secret tap. We had 4 glasses for $6 each.
Dave finally had his love of SF Beer week restored.
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