Brasserie d'Orval Orval Trappist Ale- 6.9% Belgian Pale Ale
Saint Somewhere's Lectino Divina- 8% Saison
21st Ammendment's Monk's Blood- 8.3%- Strong Dark Ale
Allagash's Fluxus 2009- 8.3% Saison.
In order from my favorite to my least favorite:

Saint Somewhere's Lectino Divina- Dave recently bought this from the Jug Shop. He has seen it before but was a bit turned off by the label. But he had recently heard some buzz about this Florida brewery so he decided to bring it home for us to try. It poured a reddish chestnut brown color with a huge head. It smelled like dates, sweet bourbon, sour, Brett and some funk. It smelled incredibly interesting. I have never smelled anything quite like this before! It tasted sour, roasted nuts, dates, figs, malty and slightly sweet. It was reminiscent of a dobbelbock. I would definitely try this one again!

Allagash's Fluxus 2009- This beer is made with sweet potatoes and black pepper! That definitely caught my eye in the store. Plus I am a fan of Allagash beers, so why not? It poured a beautiful crystal clear bubbly tangerine. It smelled spicy, some wood and a hint sweet. It tasted like PEPPER! It had some light citrus and spritzy quality to it. I did not get any sweet potato at all. THIS was a HUGE disappointment to me. I didn't even finish this beer as it was just like a black pepper spritzer. I don't even know why they bottled it. PLUS it's $17! I will not be buying this one again.
All in all- 2 to buy, 2 to skip, at least for me. I know a lot of people like the Orval, but it just was a bit too disappointing for me. Maybe it's because I am a woman and I have high expectations and when they miss, then they miss with me.

The Monks Blood sounds delish. I'm definitely gunna have to give that one a try.